
Contact us


DanceWest team email addresses

Julia Fitzelle, Director:

Moni Onojeruo, Community Producer:

Elise Antonia, Administrator & Receptionist:

Location: We deliver classes and programmes across seven boroughs in London but our team are based at our studio in Fulham: DanceWest Studio, Sands End Arts & Community Centre, Peterborough Road, London SW6 3EZ. We are a partner at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith. Find us on Google Maps here

SEACC: DanceWest is based at Sands End Arts & Community Centre is a new, purpose-built arts and community centre on the corner of South Park, Fulham. Designed by Mae, the architectural multi award-winning building comprises several light and attractive spaces, a community café, the Lodge gallery, landscaped garden and a grove of walnut trees. SEACC is open seven days a week including most bank holidays and hosts public and private events. The Centre is used regularly by children's groups, holiday clubs, sports classes, artist rehearsals and for community meetings and events. For more information, visit the SEACC website:

Lyric Theatre Hammersmith: DanceWest is a Partner at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith. Established in 2015 the Lyric Partnership consists of specialist organisations who pioneer and deliver best practice for young people in a range of activities including music, dance, acting, technical theatre, digital skills and disability arts. The Lyric Partnership sees over 21,000 attendances of young people from West London engage in free or low cost classes each year. The Lyric Theatre Hammersmith removes barriers to engagement, ensuring young people have the opportunity to discover the power of their creativity, shaping the future of British theatre. Inclusive and unafraid of change, the Lyric is a local theatre with a national impact the Lyric – 125 years young. ‘We are the Lyric Hammersmith Theatre. We are the civic and creative heart of West London. We believe that everyone deserves to experience the life changing impact of theatre. In our big, beautiful theatre, we tell stories that matter and work with exceptional talent to make ambitious, entertaining, inspiring shows for our audience in West London and beyond’.